Worker Protection with Social Security Disability
Social security disability is one of the longest-standing and most beneficial programs to American workers. This program protects workers who suffer from a permanent disability or from an illness that prevents sustainable work. Below is a brief description of what social security disability is, and how your attorney can help you pursue these benefits.
How do I qualify?

The criteria for social security disability can be very strict. Age, work experience, time in the workforce, and the specific type of job you have can all be very important factors in determining your eligibility for social security disability. If you believe you should be receiving these benefits, it is always best to contact a professional attorney, who knows the ins and outs of filing a social security disability claim.
Why is it important?
About 90{163d132be0c33ef527548f598c16a5854f0363fa1b320787bb9017ebc72327da} of workers between the ages of 21 and 65 are protected under social security disability. This program provides a safety net for all of these workers, providing them with a safety net in the case of the financial distress of not being able to work. Through this program, around 9 million disabled workers are eligible to receive benefits. These benefits are essential to not only the workers, but also the families of these workers who relied on that person for support. These benefits provide a major source of income for these workers. For approximately one third of beneficiaries, the benefits they receive from social security disability are their sole source of income.
Need representation for a Social Security Disability claim? Call JBA.
When choosing an attorney to guide you through the process of Social Security Disability orSupplemental Security Income, it’s important to hire an individual experienced with the program and its requirements. Consulting an individual who has insight on Social Security and the application process will prove to be extremely valuable in the long run, especially when questions arise or uncertainty on how to proceed.
Before trying to work out intricate Social Security qualifications on your own, contact our office to make sure you understand the program and process. Protect yourself, know your rights: call us and Get JBA First!
Jenkins Block & Associates has 40+ years of experience in successful SSD/SSI cases in Maryland & Virginia, in addition to being a member of The National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives. Call us at 1-800-243-2439 or contact us online to begin the process of filing your Social Security benefits!