What Is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?
What Is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

Unfortunately, the cause of many chronic pain syndromes are unknown and symptoms may never be fully remedied. This is true for reflex sympathetic dystrophy, also known as complex regional pain syndrome (RSD/CRPS). An injury, surgery, stroke or heart attack can all lead to RSD/CRPS, manifest by an amount of pain that is disproportionately higher than the severity of the injury warrants. If the symptoms of RSD/CRPS are making it difficult, or impossible, to continue working you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits.
Symptoms and Stages of RSD/CRPS
RSD/CRPS usually affects a limb, and can spread from one limb to another. Continuous burning or throbbing pain, sensitivity or swelling in the limb are common symptoms. The skin on the affected area may change color and texture, and can change temperature from extremely hot to very cold. At first pain, sensitivity, swelling, redness and noticeable changes in temperature will occur in the affected area. Treatment is most effective in the early stages, and the condition may naturally heal on its own. Once skin color changes and muscle spasms and tightening begin, however, RSD/CRPS is often irreversible.
Filing for Social Security Disability Benefits
According to the Social Security Administration, “RSDS/CRPS constitutes a medically determinable impairment when it is documented by appropriate medical signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings.” Proper documentation is key to any Social Security Disability Benefits claim, and the Social Security Administration requires “that the impairment be established by medical evidence that consists of signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings, and not only by an individual’s statement of symptoms.” An experienced lawyer will be able to help you organize and present your documentation so that you have the best chance for a successful filing.
Call Jenkins Block & Associates For Help Seeking Social Security Disability Benefits!
When choosing an attorney to guide you through the process of Social Security Disability benefits, it’s important to hire an individual experienced with the program and its requirements. Consulting an individual who has insight on Social Security and the application process will prove to be extremely valuable in the long run, especially when questions arise or uncertainty on how to proceed.
Before trying to work out intricate Social Security Disability qualifications on your own, contact our office to make sure you understand the program and process. Protect yourself, know your rights: call us and Get JBA First!
Jenkins Block & Associates has 40+ years of experience in successful SSD/SSI cases in Maryland & Virginia, in addition to being a member of The National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives. Call us at 1-800-243-2439 or contact us online to begin the process of filing your Social Security benefits!