Social Security Disability in Maryland: The Basics
Understanding the various ins and outs of Social Security Disability is the first step to finding success with your own personal Social Security Disability claim. Though tackling your claim may seem like an overwhelming task, with these basics under your belt and the assistance of your Social Security attorney, you can get the compensation that you deserve. Read on to find out more!
How Do I Know Whether I Quality for Social Security
Disability Benefits?
Before you can successfully apply for disability benefits, you need to know whether or not you qualify for them. First and foremost, it is important to note that you only qualify for these benefits if you have worked in jobs that are covered by Social Security. You must have paid into the Social Security system for at least 20 of the past 40 quarters (or 5 of the last 10 years) as well. If you have, you remain eligible for SSD benefits for up to five years after the date you stopped working- the Date Last Insured (DLI). The next major qualifying factor to meet is having some sort of medical condition that falls under the definition of “disability” as set by Social Security. This medical condition is one that prevents you from doing any type of work that exists within the national economy for a minimum of twelve consecutive months; Social Security Disability benefits are designed to provide individuals with compensation until they are able to return to work.
Will My Social Security Disability Benefits Continue After I Return to Work?
Typically, your SSD benefits will continue up until you are able to work regularly once more, but the exact time frame of this will vary from case to case. In certain cases, you may still receive benefits as you transition back to your job; again this will vary depending on the specifics of your case.
Do I Need an Attorney When I Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits?
In order to ensure that you are able to navigate the complexities of the Social Security Disability claims process, it is important that you seek the counsel of a qualified attorney. With their aid, you can be sure that you are following steps properly and that you will receive the full amount of benefits that you deserve.
We have four offices across Maryland and Virginia with trained legal professionals ready to assist you. Please CALL US at 1-800-243-2439 to be directed to the closest Jenkins Block & Associates location to you.
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